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Nehemia Ministries Levend Water is een evangelische kerkgemeenschap waarvan de erediensten door de overheid erkend zijn. Wij geloven in de Bijbel als het Woord van God dat aan de mens werd geopenbaard. We komen elke zondag samen om 10u00 in de Vierhoekhoeve, Brielstraat 71 te Gijzenzele.
Bling bling, hier is de Barmhartige Samaritaan 2. Dat achterhaalde verhaal van de Here Jezus over die Samaritaan die zomaar een gewonde man hielp, dat moeten we even oppimpen. We beginnen even bij het begin.
Nach zwei ausgefallenen Ernten nimmt der Hunger im Südsudan dramatische Ausmaße an. Städte sind befreit aber zerstört. Die Lage der Flüchtlinge innerhalb Syriens bleibt dramatisch. Gut an die aktuellen Gegebenheiten angepasst, hat die Abc-Werkstatt in Nicaragua beeindruckende Auswirkungen bis hinein ins persönliche Leben der Schüler.
Nehemiah Autism Center has a license from Charities and Societies Agency, which is a concerned governmental office, and has rented a house to receive autistic children. We started work on Jun 16, 2011 after we got our license on 31 August 31, 2010. At the moment we are giving training and treating Autistic children in our center. Our NGO is non-profit and a non-governmental organization. Treating and teaching is FREE.
About 2000 years ago a group of Jews and their Gentile friends would gather together in and around the city of Jerusalem in Israel. They were unique in that day in that they had met and walked with the promised Messiah who we today call Jesus and who his friends knew by his Hebrew name Y shuah. There were no fancy buildings and no stained glass windows. They met in homes and reclined on simple furniture and most of all they LOVED their savior, and they loved one another. That s our story in a nutshell! .
Den Menschen helfen, in Würde und Unabhängigkeit. Ihr eigenes Leben selbst zu bestimmen und nachhaltig zu gestalten. Das Team von Myriad Creative hat den Webauftritt fast komplett ehrenamtlich.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012. My frame was not hidden from You. In the secret place,. When I was woven together. In the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body;. For me were written in Your book. Before one of them came to be. How precious to me are Your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them,. They would outnumber the grains of sand. I am still with you. Thursday, January 26, 2012.